Combat Academy Newsletter: 10,000 Members

Welcome to our latest newsletter! Having recently reached the milestone of 10,000 members we would like to take the opportunity to recap some recent developments and provide some tips on how you can make best use of the platform to track your training and engage with our community.
If you have received this email directly you are most likely already a Combat Academy member and should be familiar with our basic features, but if a friend has forwarded this email to you, you can click the button above to learn more on our website and find store links to the free apps.
Combat Academy - A Better Way to Train
We launched Combat Academy in June 2018 and reached 10,000 active accounts in early January 2019. Thanks to everyone who has checked us out! For 2019 our aim is to grow the community significantly (we may come out with a specific goal later this year) and you can all help us with that using the INVITE and SHARE functions available in the app or simply by forwarding this email to a few of your training partners.
Tap image to view a shadow boxing routine by Expert Boxing
It would also be great if you could rate us on the Play or App stores, so don’t forget that next time you head there to update the app.
As always, the best way to report bugs or make feature request is by heading over to our support site.
Tap to read our blog post on gamification and trophies
Gamification and Trophies
If you have logged a few activities on Combat Academy you have probably started to earn some virtual trophies. We want this to be a fun and motivational aspect of using the platform that we hope many of you will appreciate. We recently wrote a blog post with a few more details on our gamification features. Follow the link below to read it and learn more about the Achievements, Awards and Badges you can earn.
Gym Features
As many of you know we launched the new “My Gym” feed and the ability to create dedicated gym accounts (for gym owners) a couple of months ago. The “My Gym” feed shows activities and posts from all members of your primary gym (as long as their privacy is not restricted). Unlike the “Following” feed, it is not necessary to explicitly follow other athletes to see this content in the "My Gym" feed.

These features are now fully launched for the mobile apps and will be added to the web app by the middle of February.

Note that if you created your Combat Academy account prior to launch of the gym features, you should go back to your profile and re-enter the name of your primary gym, selecting from the drop-down list that has now been added.
Read more about the gym features here:
Competition Update
We launched a new competition around the same time that we launched our gym features as we wanted to encourage as many of you as possible to get your fellow gym members and training partners involved on the platform. In hindsight we can see that the competition rules were a bit complicated and we have not been able to pick any winners. We will re-launch a gym focused competition, with simpler rules, soon.
In the meantime, we want to give a special shout out to Stephanie Rana. Stephanie is based in Ohio, USA and trains at Coszack’s Self-Defense in a number of martial arts disciplines. She was one of most active (if not the most active) users during January. Well done – some swag is coming your way Stephanie.
Survey Coming
We will be sending out a user survey later this month and would really appreciate if you all could find the time to respond. Your feedback will be invaluable as we continue to improve and expand the platform. Look out for another email with details about the survey. Everyone that responds earns the chance to win a small cash price.
Tap to go to the Combat Academy web site
Ready to Join ?
You can sign up to the web app and find links to the free mobile apps on this page
Questions or Feedback ?